tarot- scopes by Denisse Monge.
This is my second time attempting collective reading via intentions, thoughts, and words.
My intention with this sector of my work is for anyone who needs guidance, support, and love. Words are healing, may you find solace, stay in faith and know love is always within and in everything.
like my boy - Walter Mercado use to say mucho y mucho amor!
Denisse Monge
Aries + Aries Rising
During December, spirit is asking you to step into the role of “ The Hierophant” which ultimately means allowing yourself to be seen as a Teacher. I am sensing loneliness- this is unsolved within you. You go through deep periods of loneliness and sadness and the time is now to take inventory as to “ WHY” figuring out this will help demolish the pattern of seeing yourself as separate. My question is to get curious about this - and see who benefits from this pattern. As 2022, approaches your ability to be a leader, a teacher is going to stem from the wisdom you have to learn all these years. See yourself as part of a community that you offer inspiration to will guide you home, home to you.
The Hierophant + Knight of Swords
“spirit, let me step into my role as the leader I am destiny to be. “
Taurus + Taurus Rising
During December, spirit is asking you to be the “King of Swords.” to ask for mental clarity and great vision, there are so many new beginnings coming your way. New Beginnings require for you to make big leaps and to be in faith and love. “The Lovers” has made its way into your reading today. Taurus, let yourself receive the blessings, these new beginnings bring even if there requires “change.”. If you want NEW Beginnings, let yourself receive the insight and power that it requires- Change brings growth, growth brings new foundations. My question for you Taurus is this -what do you want for yourself ? , and how can I be in the space of asking and receiving.
King of Swords- The Lovers- The Fool
Spirit, I welcome change, I invite in -with love and grace -all my paths lead to the vision that spirit has for me!
Gemini + Gemini Rising
During December, spirit is asking you to honor the emotions around your heart. Stop putting your heart aside, or bury it. Your heart is your guide, and you are a lover of life and people. Don’t let the fact that something or someone was unsure about you - don’t let you be unsure of yourself. You thrive when you are in love with yourself and life. You are light, in this world - own it, let your heart tell you that it wants to live, love, and dream big. Don’t be indecisive about your wants and needs. There is happiness, a great love waiting for you and they will find you when you are unapologetically loud about it.
Love, in this case, can mean - a lover, a purpose, a calling, a business, or all of these things!
Need help with the indecisive - make a list about what you don’t want in your life - which ultimately is a lackluster life. YOU WANT A FULL LIFE!
The Moon, The Star, 2 of Pentacles, 4 of wands!
Mantra: I honor my heart and I let it be big and love surrounds me in all senses of the word!
Cancer + Cancer Rising
During December, spirit is asking you for two things one is to use your voice and to know that all the changes that are currently happening are for your benefit. There is someone in your immediate circle that needs to get checked by you. Enough is enough, use your voice and tell this person what you need from them which is support, patience, and for them to stop telling you to want to do. The ACE OF SWORDS IS HERE, present - ready to take action to remind you that you are strong, sensitive and that it’s time that you breakthrough - you got it! USE YOUR VOICE, VOCALIZE YOUR NEEDS, AND LET THEM KNOW!
First, have a conversation with yourself about what you want to say, write it down, and vocalize it. It feels this person thinks they know better for you but they don’t and the truth is this life is a constant state of flow - things happen and you always know what is better for you. Admit to yourself- what does that better look like and if you don’t know right say this - I will trust life and the direction and doors it brings me too. Spirit has my back.
The Devil, 9 of Wands and Ace OF SWORDS, BABY.
I use my voice to vocalize my needs- spirit guides all my breakthroughs and I am seen, heard, and respected!
Leo + Leo Rising
During December, spirit is asking for you to honor the areas in your life that you have outgrown. In this honoring, you will find reverence, in yourself and in love, work, and purpose. This month feels like the beginning of shedding and shedding means transformation into a new version of yourself and it’s okay to feel like you don’t know you and in reality, this is factual -the version of you is being born. They need all the love and space holding. so you can feel safe to unfold and shine. Leo, in love honor your heart have respect because your love is good, and in work honor the shifts, and if you have outgrown your work honor that. When you step into the unknown you step into trust and that TRUST IS WHAT MAKES YOU A LION, BABY. you got your back and you always have - now it’s time to trust it!
4 swords + 8 cups.
I trust myself and I trust the unknown and I rise!
Virgo + Virgo Rising
During December, spirit is asking you to listen to your resistance there is beautiful insight here. You have a lot of projects, visions, work that you want to create and explore. It feels like having fun, time alone, meditating, listening to music, and laughing is the medicine you need in order to make peace with the resistance present. Don’t lose sight of the joys of everyday life and people in your life trying to build your DREAM future. Work will always be important to you- grant yourself permission to flow freely this month.
Plan self- fun dates, dates with friends, dates with love ones or a lover!
5 wands + 8 wands
I give myself permission to enjoy the joys of my life!
Libra + Libra Rising
During Decemeber, forgiveness, honesty, and patience are required from you. The King of Pentacles is present, it feels to me that you want peace in your life what you are not seeing is that you are the one creating turbulence in your journey. Peace requires choosing a new path - and that path means a releasing something that is not working out. Explore what is not working and your role in this situation. It's time to try something different if you want to work on things - a new direction. Admitting your role is challenging but every challenge has a solution. Bring your genius self to focus on the solution rather than the problem(s) at hand. You got this! Ask spirit to help you, spirit wants you to be happy and to receive love. NEVER DOUBT THAT!
7 Pentacles + King of Pentacles.
I grant myself permission to try something different.
Scorpio + Scorpio Rising
During December, it is time to just enjoy all this youthful, playful energy you have. Write down all your ideas even if they don’t make sense now. Spirit is sending you a lot of playful, creative ideas at the moment. Even though you are wild, you tend to be reserved about things - trust all the ideas, collaborate with people and most of all be open to yourself. You deserve this Scorpio, to embrace all the parts of you. Write a lot about your experiences and enjoy the places it takes you.
Page of Cups + Page of Swords
I embrace all my ideas, I give myself permission to let my creative energies flow.
Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising
During December, it’s time to break a pattern in your life that is causing you to not radiate in your power. The Wheel of fortune has shown up in your reading in reverse, I know you are loyal and true but this loyalty and trueness need you, all of you. The Hanged man is present which is the feeling that you finally prioritize yourself, your mental health has been struggling and it is okay. You got “the hanged man” in your reading new doors are opening, have faith, stay true to your courage, and honor you because you know you have one of the biggest hearts of this world.
Wheel of fortune + The Hanged Mantra
“I burn everything that doesn’t serve me, i know that from the dust to ashes a phoenix will emerge, and so i rise.”
Capricorn + Capricorn Rising
During December, something BIG is on your mind. You are claiming and about to receive a new reality. Shedding the old is the trick here, Capricorn. Let yourself dream a new reality. Spirit wants you to ask for support and asking requires you to let your guard down and be open to receiving. Love, a sacred union, and celebration are on their way to you. If you are currently running your own business, tspirit is also asking that you ask for expansion.
7 Swords + 3 of Cups.
Spirit, i ask for support to be guided to receiving expansion, love and opportunities in my life.
Aquarius + Aquarius Rising
During December, This year has been a little tough for you and I feel like all you want to do is be held. Trusting spirit has been the biggest challenge for you because it has required you to not see yours has separated from “god” recognizing your divinity looks a lot like shedding unworthiness and stepping into the role you were always destined to be. The High Priestess is here and she wants you to know that this year was all about learning, shedding, and letting go. Your Blooming season is right around the corner and I am so excited to see all the ways you will flourish. Stay in Faith and Stay open. Making a list of all of your accomplishments will be important for you to remind yourself how amazing you are.
6 of swords + The High Priestess
Spirit hold me in your love, fill all the place in my heart that be held and so I trust.
Pisces + Pisces Rising
During December, you have really stepped up into your power and everything you ever wanted/desired/needed is already with you. What is currently holding you back is really believing that you can dream that big and receive it. Take control of your dreams like “the chariot.” allow your dreams to be your inspiration and your motivation. You only have this life to live so allow your dreams to be passionate and go for it. The only real failure in life is not trying and you know you are meant for great things and great things require risk. RISK IT, BABY!
The Chariot + Queen of Wands
Spirit, thank you for the limitless dreams- I risk it and I receive abundance!