February 2022 Tarot-Scopes by Denisse Monge 

February 2022 Tarot-Scopes by Denisse Monge 

denisse monge February 2022

I love Monday mornings in my beautiful- light-filled apartment. Monday is the only day in the week that my body can wake up at whatever time it wishes. My rituals for Monday- mornings call for a cup of hot mocha coffee with oat milk, food, and water. I sit in a blue chair and take my time to read, journal, and think. I ask spirit to guide me for the week and to bring me the vision for what my goals should be that week. In my weekly meeting with myself, I can reflect on who I am becoming.  

For February, the following words and their meaning will be the personal and collective themes. We should take time to connect with their meaning. 

The First word is Nourishment: to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth. The Second word is Silence: making no sound; quiet; still. The Third word is Reflection: to cast back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a surface. 

My intention for this month is to prioritize nourishing myself and the relationships close to my heart, to make room for silence so I can hear and be guided by the wisdom in my heart, and follow the path my spirit is guiding me to. I invite deep reflection of all the versions of me to rise so I can love, heal them, and evolve. I invite you to do the same. 

Aries + Aries Rising 

Hi Aries, embrace Joy, my beautiful Aries. Joy is calling you and it wants you to answer. February is calling you to face and receive you are your most joyful. There is a saying joy looks good on you. It is your time to be happy, the challenge that I am seeing is allowing yourself to see yourself in this paradigm. Give yourself time to reflect on what makes you joyful and how this joy can present itself to you. You are worthy of seeing yourself happy! Get out of your way. 

Mantra: Spirit, I received joyful self, I trust I deserve me fully in my joy! 

Taurus + Taurus Rising 

Hi Taurus, embrace change! Change is the natural cycle of life and a new season is unfolding. Change is your friend even if in the past it has not felt like that. During February, change is present, trust yourself, you are divinely protected and guided. All the changes are happening for you! 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace change. Everything that is changing in my life is here for me! 

Gemini + Gemini Rising 

Hi Gemini, embrace freedom! Freedom offers you; your power! It is now time to break up or leave behind anything that is holding you back and return to your fun - free-spirited soul. Ask yourself what is making me feel like I am stuck and what can I do to release it. You deserve your wild - soul and it is time to choose YOU! 

Mantra: Spirit, I chose me and my freedom. I release bondages to people, experiences, and environments. 

Cancer + Cancer Rising 

Hi Cancer, embrace patience! All good things take time; Being patient with time is a reflection of how to be patient with yourself. Reflect on how patience can provide softness in places that feel rigid, patience also offers a deeper understanding that “Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished. - Lao Tzu.” Make a list of what patience offers you.

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace patience which opens up the portal of trust between God and me. 

Leo + Leo Rising 

Hi Leo, embrace transformation! Transformation offers you a rebirth to a version of you that you have been longing to create. At this moment, it might feel you are stuck or shedding. Both are somewhat true, there is a deep metamorphosis present, embrace it permit yourself to feel how you feel. Create, Create, Create- all ideas sent to you are direct communication with you and infinite intelligence. 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace self-transformation by creating and honoring my creative talents. 

Virgo + Virgo Rising 

Hi Virgo, embrace truth! Your voice is a direct line with you and God for a more aligned world! You are being asked to speak your truth which awakens you deeper; to your purpose and the purpose of others. No more hiding, you are safe! If you use your voice and tell the truth it leads to a vision for the greater good. No small task, I see but yet you were chosen to awaken yourself and those around you! 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace the universal truth to awaken myself and others for the greater good! 

Libra + Libra Rising 

Hi Libra, embrace love. There is fear surrounding your heart and overwhelming you. It has you thinking that you wouldn't get to where or who you are destiny to be. That is the funny thing about destiny it requires courage and courage requires the abandonment of fear. Love is the ultimate power and drives on this earthly plane. Place your hands on your heart and take a moment to breathe, and listen to your heart. Allow your heart to surrender to the moment even the challenges. Trust that in surrendering to the flow life is going you to your destiny. 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace love and I release control. 

Scorpio + Scorpio Rising 

Hi Scorpio, embrace new beginnings! Major shifts are on their way to you. You have been calling in change but more than change, passion is really what you are after. You are meant to feel passionate about your life, your work, your platonic and romantic relationship. Make the changes in your life where passion is no longer and grant yourself a new adventure. If there is no passion behind what you are doing, trust that it is time for a New Beginning! 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace a new beginning fueled by passion so that I may go in a new direction! 

Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising 

Hi Sagittarius, embrace your emotions! It feels you have been hiding your fiery emotions but no more! It is time to take a leap and open up the door for a new chapter. If you take this new leap on the other side is a version of you that trusts themselves. I am sending you all the love during this time. The love you seek exists in your heart! 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace all the range of my emotions they guide me to where I need to go! 

Capricorn + Capricorn Rising 

Hi Capricorn, embrace trust. Capricorn feels there is a lot of changes, mourning, excitement, and yin energy. Yin energy is dark, solo, creative, empathic, magical. Something has changed and you are trying to navigate the best way you can. Allow yourself to feel and create and envision a new path. What I am seeing here is create an altar, one for your dreams, your loved ones, and your spirit guides. Hang out in the dark with candles and silence and let yourself grief and release. This moment won’t last forever but it requires your attention. I am sending you clarity and light at the end of the tunnel! Everything happens for a reason and trust in that energy! 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace grief and I allow my heart to feel! 

Aquarius + Aquarius Rising 

Hi Aquarius, embrace inspiration. Aquarius your heart is the RIGHT place always, even if your mind likes to roam. Inspiration requires you to try new things, put yourself out there with your talents, and even travel to new places. Embrace all the twists and turns that this crazy life offers. Write a lot, create stories and let your imagination lead the way. Everything you imagine is possible, but start! God has gifted you with the talent of words so write baby! “The words you speak become the house you live in!” 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace my flowly nature and I use my experience to share with the world my stories of adventure! 

Pisces + Pisces Rising 

Hi Pisces, embrace alchemy, baby! You are an alchemist, you already probably and hopefully knew this! Following your dream requires you to transform past struggles into gold. Everything in your life has led you to this moment of expansion. Trust yourself so much that nothing can stop the VISION you have for yourself and your life. Your ambition requires you to take action, for you to take a risk, and for you to run wild. In running in the direction of your dreams you become the alchemist. Reflect on your dreams write them down and expand them. I am seeing you like a mustang running and running so elegantly! 

Mantra: Spirit, I embrace alchemy, I am the alchemist! 

I have openings for private tarot readings!

I have three private -one-hour openings for portal day 2/22/2022

Tarot- Scopes 2022 Guidance by Denisse Monge

2022 Guidance


Happy New Year my people. I am so grateful for your energy and my wish for you is that this year brings you a lot of you!  

The “YOU” you desire to be. 2022 is a year “6” (2 +2 +2). Which translates to a very creative year. You get to create yourself! From who you desire to be, to what your purpose is on this earth, to your job, friends, and personal relationships. 

This year themes to be in awareness are Trust, Surrendering, Forgiveness, and Power. 

Can you trust "you"? 

Can you surrender to the divine plan that is unfolding? 

Can you forgive the past? 

Can you let yourself rise to your power and destiny? 
All the answers to these questions are a “YES.” 

Yes, you can and yes, you will! 

With the yes comes responsibility slash the ability to do all the things you need to do. My intention with these tarot scopes is to be of guidance, NO ONE on this earth can predict the future. The future is sacred; as spiritual law has it- all of us have free will( decision-making). Decisions create our path. Words become intentions and intentions become habits and habits become our life! so choose your words wisely and nicely and watch all your dreams unfold to you! 

I love (YOU.) 
Denisse Monge 

Aries + Aries Rising 


the action or process of adding something to something else.

Hi Aries, this is a big and bountiful year for you. You have a sacred union in your reading for 2022 this year. This year brings a lot of additions into your life. You are adding a lot of beautiful things to your life. Your reading has presented the lovers which means you are welcoming love into your life. Love in all senses of the word- you are adding to your family, you are adding to your business and you are adding to your personal life. One thing to be mindful of this year is to release fear and let these extra additions flow to you, you don’t have to work so hard. There is nothing to fear. All these blessings are a testimony of your faith. Keep a gratitude journal, so you can keep your vibration of love up. Trust in your life and the additions coming your way. Enjoy this moment in your life every single day and be in gratitude for this present moment. 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, I am so grateful for my blessings that are showing up as additions in my life. Spirit, I release fear and I step fully into trust therefore I can be present with this sacred moment of my life.  

Journaling prompt: 

What am I grateful for? 

What am I grateful to add to my life? 

Taurus + Taurus Rising 

the action of becoming more extensive.

Hi Taurus, 2022 is all about exponential growth, change, and receiving. The Nine of Pentacles is present in your 2022 reading, you have been praying for a long time about all the blessings making their way to you. Abundance requires you to create space in your life, in your heart, and in your mind. You no longer need to worry about how things are going to happen. You can trust that the things you desire and prayed for are here. Trust and Surrendering are going to be the themes for you. Who you were is in the past and who you are becoming is unfolding. Trust in your expansion. This means expansion in home life, moving into a place more aligned with your growth, expanding your business to reach more aligned opportunities. Things to be mindful of, don’t self-sabotage with the indulgence of things. Don’t self-sabotage yourself by replaying experiences. Forgive the past and welcome the present. 

Mantra for 2022:

Spirit, I welcome the expansion you are sending to my life. I am ready, I am aligned and I trust in the magic of the universe to guide me through the changes that are unfolding in my present moment. 

Journal Prompts: 

What does expansion look like in my life at this moment? 

Who needs my forgiveness? 

What does stepping into full trust mean to me? 

Gemini  + Gemini Rising


the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something.

Hi Gemini, Go wild for 2022, this year is a year for you to go wild with your ideas and to give them the space for them to attract and align you with the right opportunities. You have to trust in yourself and your ideas but you also have to respect them to give them time to develop. This year is all about attracting the right opportunities, the right people, and the right path for you. The Emperor is in your reading today to remind you that you are on the throne, how can you take charge and rule and attract the experiences you want and desire. Use your mental strength to attract abundance and luxury into your life. Things to be mindful of - forgive people who took advantage and trust that karma has a way of even things out. You no longer need to worry about others, cut the cords of pain and step into pleasure!!!! 

Mantra for 2022: Spirit, I am attracting aligned opportunities, I trust in my ideas which bring abundance and pleasure into all areas of my life. 

Journal Prompts: 

What am I ready to attract and claim as my divine birthright? 

What pleases me? 

Cancer + Cancer Rising 

bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.

Hi Cancer, my beautiful babies 2022, is the year that you embrace the garden. You have arrived and it is time to come out of the shell. The shell of doubt and the shell of fear. This year brings you self-confidence, achievement, and success. The empress is here to remind you of the few years you were planting the seeds and now it is time to give yourself a chance. A chance to connect all the lessons from previous years was a test of your strength and devotion. Connection is going to be a theme this year for you. How can you connect your past experiences and give them the grace to see them as lessons of growth? Your connection to this world and spiritual realm have gifted you the ability to be a teacher. Teachers are needed more than ever! To teach is to feel, to lead, and most importantly to guide. 

Mantra for 2022: 
Spirit, I am ready, I am ready, I am ready to be recognized for my gifts and to receive the recognition I deserve. I am worthy of being seen. I am here to guide, love and embrace. 

Journal Prompts: 

What does connection mean to me? 

What lessons have you learned about connecting with myself that can be of value to others? 

Leo + Leo Rising 


be given, presented with, or paid (something).

Hi Leo, 2022 is the year the world is at your hands. You can create any idea your mind has. You are being gifted with the support of higher energies to embrace all your ideas as intuitive divine gifts for you and the world. This requires the action of creating so deeply that your passions become your purpose. You know you are a passionate person- imagine what will happen when your passions meet your purpose. The High Priestess is here this year to remind you that you are the ever- knowledge god/goddess energy you have always been looking for. Looking within yourself to receive ideas of business, ideas of creating, and ideas for future homes/ partnerships. Trusting yourself will be the theme this year, can you trust your mind, most importantly can you trust your heart to guide your treasure. Things to be mindful of are scarcity and not unworthiness. Unworthiness comes from past traumas that are no longer of service. When you are feeling low, remind yourself of all the things you have had to overcome to be who you are destined to be. I am open to receiving all the beautiful gifts (god) has for me. 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, I am open to receiving my gifts, to receiving love, to receiving all that I dream of. I am grateful for all of it. 

Journal Prompts: 

What are my passions and what is my purpose? How can I support the merging of both? 

What am I ready to receive this year? 

Virgo + Virgo Rising 


a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Hi Virgo, 2022 brings you a new concept into your awareness which you desire. Desire is the ultimate act of manifesting. This year ask you to tap into your desires, get curious about the sweetness of indulging in your mind and your heart. You are leaving things, people, jobs that no longer align with your desires. The King of Pentacles is present in your reading to symbolize abundance, the feeling I am receiving is that by indulging in your mind you will find success and wealth. Wealth is a state of mind, you can create anything you see fit for you. What do I desire this year for me? How will my desires bring prosperity? Prosperity starts with the ability to see yourself with KING energy. No more giving in to the feeling of being a martyr! Trust me when I tell you will be of service when you realize your royalness. Things to be mindful of don't sacrifice yourself! STOP! Do whatever you want! Trust that by doing whatever you want you will be the leader you always dreamt of! 

Mantra 2022: 

Spirit, show me my desires so that I may indulge in the sweetness of mind, heart, and soul! 

Journal prompts: 

What are my desires? How do my desires serve me and the world? 

Libra + Libra Rising 


to set free

Hi Libra, 2022 is all about creating peace and liberating yourself from patterns. You are being asked to look within to see yourself through the eyes of honesty, commitment, and love. The Devil is present in your reading alongside the Ace of Swords which gives me the feeling that this year for you means choosing peace and choosing to break free from self-destructive thinking, habits, and people. Start a meditation practice that will create the space for you to offer yourself mental clarity. Libra is the sign of balance, therefore, when you set yourself free from thoughts, people, and things you can bring balance and justice to the world. You, your peace, your life is bigger than the patterns that are keeping you in the loop. Self-awareness provides mindfulness and mindfulness provides for you to be accountable for your actions and role. You deserve peace and this will clear up your path! 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, liberate me from any self-destructive patterns, thoughts, people, and things. When I am at peace, I bring balance and justice to myself and the world. 

Journal Prompts: 

What does freedom look like for me and feel like? 

When I am at peace, who am I? 

Scorpio + Scorpio Rising 


the state of being free

Hi Scorpio, 2022 brings you patience, celebration, and magic. What beautiful year you have ahead of you, this year is all about trusting all the lessons from past and present that have made you become The Magician. As The Magician shows up for your reading one of the most important things to bring into mind is how can the knowledge I acquired be of service so that I can create a life that brings adventure, happiness, and love. You now have the power (Magic) to create anything you wish. With great power comes responsibility which translates to how can I bring myself to my highest consciousness and then over the portal knowledge to others. You are in a beautiful transformative time in your life and life is asking you to trust you and to trust the unlimited potential in yourself and others. Things to be mindful of - don’t disrespect yourself through words, thoughts, and actions, and don’t disrespect others through words, thoughts, and actions. Every single move you make will be one of setting yourself free and every single relationship you encounter with the divine is that of FREEDOM! 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, I trust in my magic and my ability to transform all elements. I take this beautiful responsibility with love and grace, I humble myself and I use my power for love. Love is the ultimate freedom. 

Journal Prompts: 

What does magic mean to me? What does my magic look like? 

What are the lessons that have transformed me to become The Magician? 

Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising 


to show, manifest, or reveal.

Hi Sagittarius, 2022 is a metaphorical year for you. In the beginning, you might find yourself wanting to spend more time alone, looking and answering the questions that your soul is asking. Your time and energy are precious and your spirit is asking for you to give back to you the energy you have been craving. This is a good time for you to ask Spirit to show you what your divine purpose is here in this earthly realm. The decisions you make at this moment are crucial to you and those around you. You have ideas, but most importantly you have a mission, your mission has to do with you being fully in your power to be of service to the world. Don’t ignore the calling of your spirit which is currently craving silence, silence offers insight and insight offers a vision. Vision is required for you to express yourself fully. 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, let me clear out the noise of others, let me hear my calling in silence. In silence, I see the vision for myself as a spiritual being and I answer my calling! 

Journal Prompts: 

Who am I, right now and who do I aspire to become? 

When I permit myself to be in silence, what does silence offer me? 

Capricorn + Capricorn Rising 


to take charge or organize

Hi Capricorn, 2022 is the year you take charge of your destiny. The beautiful Chariot has shown up in your reading as a reminder that you get decisions that benefit your life. I see this year for you like a year of curating- organizing all your ideas, your ideas bring wealth and success but first you must have the courage to bet on yourself. Take these first few months to think and create a plan. The Hermit is also present. Can you trust in yourself? To make the decision that benefits you and those around you. I see that you might have some challenges but remember every challenge has a solution. When you focus on the solution rather than the problem you can direct your energy to the tasks at hand. I see also you are building something, stay true to your dream even if it takes many forms. A masterpiece has many drafts. 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, with your support, I can create. In creating, the masterpiece of my life unfolds! 

Journal Prompts: 

What are the things in my mind that need organizing? ( make it a to-do list.) 

Who am I when I take charge of my destiny? 

Aquarius + Aquarius Rising


changing readily; shifting; not fixed, stable, or rigid. 

Hi Aquarius, 2022 is a year of going with the flow and being patient. Trust in the magic of not knowing every single thing. Patience and self-trust are crucial during this period of your life. This is what year brings you the arrival of SELF. Are you ready to receive you? Can you forgive past versions of yourself quote unquote that have made mistakes? Mistakes are a crucial process of self-discovery. This year you get to discover that mistakes are lessons and lessons make for a juicier story. Tap into your words and journal and share. Your lessons are of value to your community but most important to your healing. When you heal, you heal you and those that surround you. Towards the end of the year, you will see your healing lead you to the version of you that you SEEK. The love that you have always been seeking is HERE. Right there in your HEART! 

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, as I discover and hold space for me, I get to love all versions of me! I am the love I need, always! 

Journal Prompts: 

What have I learned about myself so far? 

What am I ready to forgive? 

Pisces + Pisces Rising


​a new or second birth

Hi Pisces, 2022 is here and this is the year that brings New Beginnings, and New Blessings. The Hanged man is present in your reading. All that you have gone through was for this moment to witness yourself increasing your abundance. This year will be a year of change, mature perspective, vision tackling, and success. You are ready, so ready! All the trials and tribulations were testimony of your growth and ultimately the faith you had to have in yourself. With that being said, get to work on the expansion of your dreams, business, or ideas. Finish what you need to finish, love who you need to love, and watch- you are a magnet for all the beautiful things you wish to attract and desire in your life.

Mantra for 2022: 

Spirit, I am ready for my success! 

Journal prompts: 

Who am I at this moment of my life? What are my achievements and who am I destined to be? 

What unfinished projects need my attention?  

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