After the Equinox comes Spring


after the equinox comes spring.

it has been a long time since I have offered Tarot-Scopes mostly because they take a long time and energy but I felt that word magic is needed for this spring season. I hope you enjoy this offering and we can connect soon online, in person, or the ether! I am teaching a lot and I am grateful. I have classes, mentoring, and privates available.
Suppose you wish to connect in that way! Let me know if you enjoy these or if they bring some wisdom. All the blessings, always.



This year is all about leveling up. The last three years have been “challenging” to navigate. Trusting in ourselves is an extension of trusting the energy of the unknown. This Equinox brings so much personal, professional, and physical shedding. Whatever is transforming in your life is present. It is here NOW during spring, pay close attention to your intimate ideas, thoughts, signs, and prayers! The answers are those private moments between you, your mind, your heart, and your spirit. The answers you seek are within. Use spring to bring into manifestation your creation. Ground, plant the seeds, trust the unknown and yourself (water you)... Watch yourself bloom in spring!

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Aries + Aries Rising + Aries Moon


The lovers are present for you this season of spring. The areas of love, joy, and abundance. Love is in your sphere of energy this spring. Aries, your heart is currently calling to reach new layers of intimacy with self, and others!!!! but first, you have to allow yourself to receive love and know that you are worth the love you seek. Joy.

It's time for you to receive Joy, you deserve it!

Abundance. Your intuition is at an all-time high. You are probably more sensitive right now to subtle body energies from others. Take a lot of breaks this season, to process emotions, and invite freedom and joy into your life. Most importantly, have fun!



Ask yourself what is it that you wish to manifest in the area of love.

Close it out with a prayer and say this “ The love I seek, is present, I am worthy and I am ready !!!!!

Taurus + Taurus Rising + Taurus Moon


Taurus, you ready need to start creating and moving from your heart. If your heart is not in it, you are not in it! This goes for everything. Your heart has shifted and you are moving from a place of passion. Your passion for anything is the clue of spirit that you are moving in the right direction.

Taurus even though the last couple of moons has been filled with difficult transitions is only because you were shifting directions. You are inviting in this spring season “CREATION.” When you move from a place of passion, you are motivated to start creating. Create, Create, Create. Limit seeking validation. You don’t need it. And if you are seeking it -ask, I am only seeking validation to seek/ to feed the satisfaction of doubt, let me move past doubt and into the limitless potential of creation. May I create deeply from the places in me that knows moments, knows beauty, knows empathy, knows romanticism, etc.


Practice a lot of self-affirmations, don’t be crazy lol (in your special favorite way of overthinking.) Create! Drink water, work out, journal, and practice consistency and a routine!

Gemini + Gemini Rising + Gemini Moon

Change. Chance. Witness.

Gemini, look at how much you have grown. You are in a space Gemini where you get to witness how much life has changed in the last couple of years. The place or places, you are currently a testimony of your ability to change! Gemini your superpower this season is your ability to metamorphosis what is not for you!! It takes only great courage to leave from a place that didn't serve you! This season brings more opportunities for you to take chances. The biggest chance you will take is betting on yourself, your dreams, and your intuition. Growth is needed for success, change is present, take a chance when the present moment offers you an opportunity, and witness and praise you!

Ritual: Drink a lot of water, you are replenishing, pray over your dreams! Keep a journal!

Cancer + Cancer Rising + Cancer Moon


Cancer, this year is the year you are falling deeper in love with yourself. As you have witnessed yourself grow. You know that growth for you came at a cost. A cost of losing yourself, only to find yourself. This year is about nurturing your body, enhancing your mind, and loving your heart. Protect your energy! Forgiveness plays a role this year in your rituals! Opportunities will start opening up more when you share your feelings and your new needs with you and others.

Ritual: Take your blank sheet of paper out, light a white candle, and journal what experiences, people, places, and things you are trying to forgive. Self-forgiveness expands to the forgiveness of others and environments. Then bury the letter in a plant and watch it grow! And WATCH YOU GROW!

Leo + Leo Rising + Leo Moon

Intention. Time. Love. Seen.

Leo, it is time to start planning your expansion. This year is all about you being intentional with your decision-making. Keep a journal with you or your notes to write down any random ideas or thoughts you might have. This year is all about leveling up in love and your career. Let yourself be seen. Leo moves from the heart building a deeper relationship with your heart's desires to get you to where you need to be. Relationships play a big role for you this year, as you align deeper with your desires, your energy becomes more magnetic. You attract what you desire and deserve. Everything you are calling from the purity of your heart makes its way to you! Be super and extra intentional!

Ritual: A lot of self-affirmations LEO! Feed your heart and your heart will feed you! Look into Auto-suggestions and watch everything shift for you!

Virgo + Virgo Rising + Virgo Moon

Emotions. Organization. The World.

I have a sweet spot for Virgo, so Virgo baby. Listen and honor your emotions. The greatest thing about you is the way you navigate this earth, and how you move with so much soul and love. This is your season, you have worked so hard, and so smart. This is your season for you to say and take action in all that you have to embark on. The world is present in your reading meaning things are going to start moving so fast, momentum is what you always needed. Keep it going, you are getting noticed (even though this is also out of your comfort zone. ) it is time. The page of wands reminds you that you are deserving of all the blessings that are coming into your life. Everything you have prayed, worked towards, fought for, and cried about, is aligning at this moment. Live from your power. There is this quote that comes to mind. ( you better act like a god, sent you there. And god did. How you move this season sets up a lot for you. Remember to have fun through it all!

Ritual: buy obsidian keep it in your pocket cause you got haters and pray always!

Libra + Libra Rising + Libra Moon

Listen. Build.

Hi Libra. Don't take this personally, but stop being so hard-headed.

I know you are hard-work and luxurious but you need to start listening to others better. I know it’s challenging when you want to do everything but you can’t do everything yourself. This season requires you to work with others and to work wisely with others. Yes, your dreams are big but they require cooperation from yourself and the participation of others. Ask others for support, help, and collaborate. The company you keep is there for you to build with. Build a life, Build a company, Build a legacy.

Ritual: Practice radical listening and note-taking. Listen more than you ask questions.

Scorpio + Scorpio Rising + Scorpio Moon

Passion. Pleasure. Freedom

Scorpio Scorpio Scorpio!!! LET ME IN haha.

This season requires you to ground down even more. Hang out a lot with water and if you can go to the beach at night. This season you will find that whatever is not in alignment will shift quickly for you. You can no longer hold onto what doesn't serve you. You hold so much space for others, that you focus on yourself and what will bring you happiness, pleasure, and contentment.

There is something you are to do in this life and by you being guided about your pleasure and passions you will get there. Pleasure and passion are your tools to bring quick and smooth transitions and give yourself the gift of setting yourself free. The moon is present in your reading that you best move on, and explore the unknown.

Ritual: Make a playlist and dance, dance, dance! Drink a lot of water and go to the ocean!

Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising + Sagittarius Moon

New Beginnings. Risk. Time Alone.

You are going to get to the point where change will have to happen for you. There is a new beginning that requires you to spend time alone, asking yourself. “ what is it that I really want from this life, and mostly for myself?.” We are only ever truly responsible for ourselves and ours but beyond that, we can’t control others. It feels to me that in this season self-blooming occurs but this comes at a death of an old life and old environments. Even though these transitions aren’t always the easiest, trust that this is needed for your freedom. Freedom is all that you are seeking. Freedom to be yourself, freedom to do your ideas, freedom in your heart. Try some different to get a different outcome. This outcome tho is one of your dreams! Approach New Beginnings with excitement!


Walk, spend time alone, and talk to a friend that you trust!

Capricorn + Capricorn Rising + Capricorn Moon

Fire. Magic. Breakthrough.

You are a hard worker, and this season is going to bring you more opportunities. you working your magic, work, and life. Your hard work will not go unnoticed but you must notice it, you must notice yourself! Build your skill set or confidence and work. Work towards your life. You are the breakthrough, you always have been. People rely on your magic to make their life work and Now it's time for you to work your magic, your charm, your sensuality. It is time to use your charm to get what you want! What your heart desire, move freely and intimately. Everything opens up to you, more money, more sex, more freedom, more love, and more you!! This is your season to break through!!


Learn to Say no to things you don’t want to do!

Aquarius + Aquarius Rising + Aquarius Moon

Justice. Strength. Power.

A lot of this is going to come into balance for you this season. Justice in whatever sense will bless you with its presence. Move like everything is handled, move with strength, energy, and perseverance. If something is coming to an end or if there have been some endings Know that they need to happen. You are claiming your power which was always yours and will always be yours. As one door closes, a window opens and you want that window that window is a god-sent. The opening to you building what is yours, you claiming what is yours, and you move from a place of wisdom, creation, and expansion.

Ritual: Forgiveness and Home/office/environments that you might hang out with cleansing. Carry sage and palo santo to cleanse the place that you are in! Declutter or get rid of things!

Pisces + Pisces Rising + Pisces Moon

Renew. New. Closure.

There is closure near and if not near then present. Pisces the thing about your sign is all the lives you will have to life within this life. It is always terrifying to change, shift, adapt, and transform. Transformation is never keen on the beholder, only on the eye of the beholder. As you change will notice people, places and things are changing or have changed. You have changed. This season is all about giving birth to you and you learning how to navigate yourself. Everything is subject to change that doesn’t exclude you. Don't be wrap up in any attachment to an old life for it is gone. A new life is emerging, be patient, trust deeper, work intentionally, and most of all let yourself FLY!

Ritual: Take care of your feet, Walk on mud or dirt ground, and then cleanse!

April 2022 | New Beginnings, Recognition, and Change

Hi, y’all thank you so much for your love and patience. The month of March was one of new changes in my personal life. I am so blessed and I welcome change with grace. 

Pisces Season was emotional- I cried a lot for no reason, I laughed but The Dreams were insane. I spent a lot of time dreaming whether in sleep or daydreaming. I tapped into my imagination and I lost track of time. In my channeling for this Aries SZN/Taurus Season, there are going to be three themes that come into play. The first theme is New Beginnings, Recognition, and Change. Feelings and emotions will be high -use them and the element of fire, the charge directs them into the areas you wish to unfold in your life. Thank u so much for reading.. If you wish to work with me on a one-on-one base Please contact me!  I have availability.

Aries + Aries Rising 

Dear Aries, This Aries SZN brings your change it feels like some family structures are changing within your own family and also your root family. The emotion to direct is unprocessed sadness which has turned into anger. This is a very happy and joyful time in your life, and also fruitful stop sleeping on those projects, write down every idea that is sent to you because they are G-O-D given ideas. New turns at the end of April or May there will be a celebration one of joy, love, and abundance. Joy is your birthright and so is abundance. The Magician is present in your reading informing me that you are ready to work your magic through your ideas. 

Journal prompt: What sadness from the past or present has to turn into anger and how can I clear it so that I can be in a space of Joy. 

Mantra: Joy is my birthright! 

Taurus + Taurus Rising

Hi Taurus, Ha the only one getting in your way of changing things for a more positive vibration is YOU. You are your biggest Hinderance to your happiness. Embrace the change that is currently happening within you because it is going to continue to happen whether or not you can control it. Take inventory of what you want in your life and who you want to be in the next months and years to come. Ask yourself who I want to be in the next five years - like really who? Justice is in your reading things will be coming into balance once you break up with your habitual patterns, especially the ones that are mental and secretive. Do the work so that you can enjoy your season around the CORNER! 

Journal Prompt: Who is draining my mental energy and why? Where am I unhappy or stuck and what can I do to change those things? 

Mantra: I trust the unknown, all the changes in my life are happening for the highest good of all! 

Gemini + Gemini Rising 

Hi Gemini + Gemini Rising 

Focus on you, baby! The empress is here to remind you that you are ready to receive love, happiness, and abundance. Don't be distracted there is new opportunities waiting for you- if you focus on your goals and dreams. I see new friendships and new career expanding opportunities. All you have to do is stay focused. Make time management fun and try your best to not feed your distraction. Focus on your needs, wants, and desires. Don’t be overindulgent even tho prosperity is your birthright, don't be giving too much. Be mindful of your time and energy. 

Journal Prompt:
What are some goals I would like to accomplish by the end of April/May!  

Why do I keep giving distractions attention? 

Mantra: I respect my time and energy and I give back to myself by focusing on myself! 

Cancer + Cancer Rising 

Hi Cancer + Cancer Rising

Trust the Teacher within you. It feels that Aries season is making you uncomfortable and uncomfortable in the realm of your emotions. Challenge those emotions by validating your anger, you are allowed to be angry -if anger is present. It feels like some lessons are only recurring in your life because you have never given them the grace of Acknowledgement or Recognition. What are some lessons that are recurring and what change can happen if you give them love and attention? Internal changes led to external changes. I love to see thatyou are growing cancer even if it is challenging! 

Journal Prompt: The teacher I am becoming what does that look like? What are some lessons that have always been recurring in my life and can I acknowledge them? 

Mantra: Lessons come with the season and I am true to who I am becoming by embracing myself with love! 

Leo + Leo Rising 
Hi Leo + Leo Rising

This season is all about establishing your independence, The Queen of Swords is present letting me know that you are about to break free and start a new Journey. Trusting yourself and releasing your own self-limiting beliefs is going to be an opportunity. All of life is about finding freedom, love, peace, and purpose. Trust that by taking risking and leaping into the unknown you are about to find a version of yourself that you always desired to be. Use the fire to spark that natural fire within you to trust all of you and your emotions. Your emotions are not a hindrance they are what makes you brave, courageous, and passionate. 

Journal Prompt: 

If I could trust myself completely what does that look like? 

Mantra: I trust myself fully and I know I am my biggest investment. 

Virgo + Virgo Rising 

Hi Virgo, 

During this season, It feels like the theme in your life is Recognition, you want to be recognized in the heart department whether it’s a romantic relationship, a working relationship, or a situationship. Your heart needs recognition, it feels like you are dealing with someone selfish or stuck which is causing you to give too much effort to a situation that hurts. Acknowledge your hurt by being honest about how this makes you feel! Honesty and acknowledgment led to truth and truth set us free. Ask yourself if I am getting what I need and what from this? How can I set myself free and this other party? 

Journal Prompt: am I happy? What hurts in my heart and how do I have the power to give myself what I ultimately need? 

Mantra: I recognize the love for myself and I move from there! 

Libra + Libra Rising 

Hi Libra, 

I feel like you begin present with decisions and it’s time to make SOME. Re-Structuring in your life is the opportunity to face this moment. Don't look at change like an enemy - look at it from the perspective to MAKE CHOICES in your heart. Your present is showing that work needs balancing make sure that you know what deals you are making. 

Take care of your heart, your body, and your home. The choices you make now are long-term decisions. 

Journal Prompt: decide what you want from yourself? 

Mantra: The decisions I make are for me, decided by me. 

Scorpio + Scorpio Rising 

Hi Scorpio,

My polar energy! it's a good season for you and you deserve a season of JOY and choosing yourself. What you love about the Aries/Taurus season is that it charges your energy. It's time to use that energy to take charge- Decide to leave anything that doesn't serve you. It is time to invest in all of you. Start that Business, apply for that position, and ask someone out! It’s spring! BLOOM! 

Journal Prompt: I can go for what I want? What are my desires and what are my blessings? 

Mantra: I am here(BLOOMING.) 

Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising 

Hi Sagittarius, your reading is all about making a decision. It's time to honor your heart and it’s time to start putting yourself first even if it hurts... Pain doesn't last as long as agony. You have the empress present and you have the devil. It is time. Taking a risk will also play a huge role this year. You are such a wild soul and Now it is time to be that wild soul and take a risk. They are no wrong choices only choices that led us to a new path and on this path you have The HIGH PRIESTESS that is waiting for you to claim your THRONE. 

Journal Prompt: 

What is the decision I need to make? Pros/Cons list 

Mantra: I am the high priestess.

Capricorn + Capricorn Rising 

Hi Capricorn, everything seems to be flowing. During this season is time to call in romantic and friendship love it requires you to be open and also in the space of creating space for that in your life. It feels like you create time to take care of others so during this season it is time to take care of yourself and your heart. Everything is flowing so start opening the door for a romantic partner or solid friendships to come into your life. Have Fun and enjoy this upcoming earth season! 

Journal Prompt: 

What kind of love do I wish to receive and can I be that love to me?! 

Mantra: I am opening my heart for love because I am love! 

Aquarius + Aquarius Rising 

Hi Aquarius, Clarity brings stability, and stability brings honoring where you are during this timeframe of your life. One thing about life is that Change is always available to us. All we have to do is access is the power to create the reality- we wish to experience. My suggestion for you is to rest and to take a break. Taking a break provides the ability for you to daydream! Do NOT confuse daydreaming with getting distracted. All these distractions keep you limited from reaching your potential at the moment! Career changes are a theme for you! don't be attached to any places, things have a way of changing for the better! 

Journal Prompt: 

Where do I like to get distracted and why do I honor distraction more than my dreams? 

Mantra: I prioritize myself! 

Pisces + Pisces Rising 

Hi Pisces, everything is moving nice even thou it feels like you are just coming out of a chaotic time. This new beginning in your life provides stability in the home and finances and yourself. You are the dreamers of the Zodiac so your dreams and goals will not match the goals of society. This upcoming earth, season allows your dreams to be big!!! The bigger your mind goes the more you manifest in your reality. Take care of your home and your finances by honoring them!! Practice gratitude and release the rest! 

Journal Prompt: Acknowledge your accomplishments! Write them down

Mantra: I acknowledge how far I have come!